
Research indicates that the best moment to advertise a promotion, service or product may be when consumers are in your space and already already engaged with what you offer.


MonitorBanner responds to that finding.


    Platt Retail Institute asserts that based on available research, 50-60% of in-store purchases are spontaneous.  
    According to The Templar Group, during the same sales period, if 100 products were sold with no signage, then 170 were sold when handwritten signs were used, and 265 products were sold when signs were professionally produced to sell the product.  
According to Miller Zell and MarketingCharts, about 90% of consumers make unplanned purchases, and across all age, income, gender and channels evaluated, in-store advertising was considered more effective than out-of-store advertising.  
"It’s indisputably intuitive that a message delivered at point-of-purchase has the best chance to influence the desired behavior–getting. The real issue that has inhibited the growth of advertising in the most logical of all venues, at point-of-sale, is the scarcity of effective media vehicles in the in-store environment."